Monday, May 11, 2009

Our baby is 3 weeks old today!!

Brodie has already changed so much since we brought him home three weeks ago! He's way more alert now, eyes open looking around all the time (when he's not sleeping). He'll just stare at us when we're holding him. His hair is longer than it was, he's longer too lol.

He's starting to grab things. The other night Ben saw Brodie actually put his pacey in his mouth! It was laying down by his chin, but he got it in his mouth! :) He tries to hold onto his bottle when we feed him; he can't hold it on his own yet, but he grabs it. When Brodie and I are home alone together during the day, I'll lay him on the boppy across my belly and we'll just sit there and make faces at one another.

We found out last night that Brodie is in fact a "Mama's Boy." Twice last night Ben was holding Brodie and he started throwing a fit. Ben couldn't get him to calm down, he kept trying to feed him and Brodie wouldn't want it, he tried giving him his pacey but Brodie would spit it out. Ben even tried just holding him and that didn't work. Finally, I told Ben to give me Brodie and I just held him close to me and he calmed down. The second time, Ben made a comment like "let's see if you are a mama's boy..." and he is. :) hehe

Here are a few pictures I took earlier today (I know everyone loves seeing updated pictures of Brodie):

3D picture from 29 weeks

3D picture from 29 weeks
* Sucking his thumb *