Naomi is sick, again, so yesterday I stayed home with her. Congested, runny nose. But, she's in good spirits and happy. There are times where she is not impressed, but that doesn't happen too often :)
She's growing like a weed! The hair on the top of her head is getting longer. She smiles so much more, and she's so sweet about it too. She'll be staring at you, you look over and smile, she'll smile back but then kinda look away like she's shy. Super cute!
She's trying SO hard to crawl. She'll lay there on her belly and move her legs. She kinda moves around that way, not really crawling, but in a circle. She's almost to the point where you can give her the bottle and she'll feed herself.
She's sitting up pretty well! She can't quite do it without any support yet, but she's getting there. She's also rolling around everywhere! You can't not watch her for two seconds otherwise she'll be rolling away!! haha
Still no teeth. But that's ok. She's jabbering so much! She loves to hear her own voice, its so funny. She loves playing in her Einstein jumper thing. Just bounces and plays the piano thing and looks at herself. She loves seeing herself that's for sure. :)
Besides being sick again, she's doing very good. It's so cute to see Brodie and her and their reactions to one another. She loves staring at him and watching him. The other day she was laying on her tummy and Brodie came up to her and laid by her and he was just talking to her and patting her head. They love each other. :)
For those of you on FB, I try to upload pictures from my phone quite a bit so you can see the kids. I haven't been very good at uploading pictures on this site. I got a new laptop and just got pictures off my phone on there so I'll probably be doing quite a bit of photo dumping when I get a chance.
However, here is one gummy-bear smile of little Nomi yesterday (on her 5 month birthday) :)