On the 11th Nomi Noms turned 4 months. She's been out here with our family for four months now. It's hard to remember what it was like before she was here :)
She's growing up so fast, smiling SO much! Her smile is probably one of the sweetest ones I've ever seen, next to Brodie's :)
Ben took her to her four month appointment today and to get her couch checked out. Her cough, as the doctor said, everyone has it and there's nothing they can give her for it. Figured as much.
And this is why I don't like Ben taking the kids to the doctor for their monthly appointments, he doesn't get all the information. haha! She's 14lbs and ??oz, 25" long, and he didn't tell me her head circumference. She got two shots and a liquid mouth shot.
She can start eating baby food now too! Ben said the doctor said she can basically eat anything, that doesn't require you to have teeth. And with Brodie, we didn't start baby food/solids on him until he was about six months. Ben said something to the doctor about that and he said that he was just over in Germany and they did some studies or something and said that it doesn't really matter when -4 months vs 6 months- to eat solids/baby food. So, we'll be trying that out with her and see how she does.
She's doing great though. No major issues. She loves to talk. Talk talk talk talk talk, way more than Brodie did at this age. It's so cute!! Sometimes she'll get a really serious look on her face when she's in her swing talking to the bee and her Winnie the Pooh & friends. :)
Naomi Maxine is such a joy in our life! Love her so much!! :)