It amazes me every month on the 20th, when Brodie is another month older. In two more months he'll be halfway to a year old! Time is going by faster than I expected. It's funny how when I was little, I would always overhear my Grandma and Mom saying "they grow up so fast." And now, I'm saying that!
Brodie has his four month appointment on Friday. He weighed in at 16lbs 6oz and was 26" long! I thought he was going to be heavier, but he's only gained two pounds since the last time he was weighed. The doctor checked him out, and he's doing great! The doctor said that he's doing things that a six month would be doing! :D Brodie's developing so well! He had to get his shots this visit again. The first shot, he was great-didn't cry, didn't fuss, didn't even know what was going on. The second shot though, after it was done he started crying. I carried him as we were leaving the office and he was all smiles to Ben.
After Brodie's doctor visit Ben and I both had to go back to work, so I dropped Brodie off at his daycare. When I dropped him off, I told Wanda how he went at the doctor and how the doctor said we could start Brodie on rice cereal if we wanted!! I took Brodie out of his car seat and handed him over to Wanda and he was all smiles. Well, when I was close to getting off work Ben had called me and told me he had to leave work early to go pick up Brodie at the daycare. He told me that Brodie was having a bad day. At Wanda's after I left, Brodie just kept crying-scream crying. She told Ben that usually Brodie is all chill and laid back and hardly cries, so when he just kept crying and crying, she knew something was wrong. Last time Brodie had his shots, Ben and I stayed home with him and he just slept most of the day. When I got home, Brodie was fine. He was smiling at me and jabbering. I think he just wanted to be with his mommy & daddy after he got his shots. My poor baby!!
But Brodie's doing fine. He's jabbering soooo much, and even making new sounds. He's definitely grabbing at things more often. He'll be laying down and Vida will be standing in arms length of him, and he'll reach out to her legs and grab them. He doesn't grab her hard or pull. He just touches her and then she moves her foot from his hand. haha He really is doing really awesome. He's amazing. :)